Thursday, June 28, 2012

Holistic Entrepreneur Spotlight: Jane Manthorpe | Global ...

Before I found the GAHP membership and then the GAHP Certification program I was a wee bit lost in the woods on how to truly connect with my authentic self. I am going through a big transformation in my life as I leave my career of 27 years as a Company Accountant and Consultant in the corporate world and breaking out to follow my dream of creating and designing my own successful business as a Holistic Coach and Health and Fitness Mentor (specializing in raw food nutrition, body fitness via Chi Running and Walking and Spiritual Coaching). I felt spiritually connected in a way but knew I could go deeper but did not know how, there was something missing on how to really connect and stay connected. I was seeking guidance and was longing to know more on how to connect with my intuition and spiritual self for finding answers and help me make some tough decisions in my life.
Since being part of the GAHP Holistic Coaching Certification program to become a Holistic Coach, I have experienced and several amazing breakthroughs of connecting with my authentic self receiving such clear clarity of guidance that has guided me to make some fairly big decisions. Also, breakaway from some energy blocks which were affecting my clarity of thought and preventing me from progressing in some areas of my journey with my business creation and direction. I have made such great headway and made some fantastic leaps of success with both my business and my personal life.

I now know how to connect with my intuition and know what messages are coming from my true self and what are coming from my conditioned self. I also have special tools I can use to really get connected with my spirit and ways to clear sabotaging negative thoughts and actions so I can keep on my path of purpose.

The GAHP Certification training was very enlightening and was a mixture of live training at the start of program where we were all invited to attend a live training to connect and experience wonderful coaching from Shelley Riutta who shared some amazing spiritual techniques and methods to connect with our guidance within.

I experienced a tremendous breakthrough as I connected with my mum who died recently. I knew she was with me in spirit and learned in such a gentle way how to connect with her and came away from the live training feeling such joy and connect with others who shared my journey. The high vibration of the live event was so much I felt it even though I was connected to the live event via online from New Zealand it was an experience of joy, laughter and great breakthroughs as we all journeyed to connect with our authentic selves and share our journeys.

I would totally recommend the GAHP Holistic Certification program to anyone wishing to know more about connecting and finding their true authentic self. You will learn how to connect with them to receive the guidance that if you allow it and take action will guide you to a life full of joy and contentment.

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